
  • Psychic Perception The Magic Of Extrasensory Perception Pdf
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 27. 13:30

    Most people today, unfortunately, perceive life as a harsh matter-based existence, where one needs to constantly fight the outer world in order to survive and reach their goals. Evidently, such a fight can bring short term results.

    Psychic Perception The Magic Of Extrasensory Perception Pdf Answers

    However, in the long run, it will have negative consequences for everyone involved. There are those who confront the old paradigm by trying to prove it wrong, but going into battle against this outdated worldview appears to just give it more power. There is really no need to fight the old ways – we just need to see beyond mere material existence and into the, where we acknowledge the existence of the energy-informational field of higher consciousness.“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”– Buckminster FullerTo make that shift into the new paradigm, it is essential to start treating all experiences in life as the reflection of your own inner world. When you direct your attention within, and discover who you really are, you become a part of the, making the outer world change as if by magic.

    By connecting with your true self, you also get a chance to tap into what many would consider to be supernatural, psychic or extrasensory abilities.You might simply call that subtle feeling of connection with your true-self “intuition”, but it is more than that. It is about taking full responsibility for the potential you were given on your date of birth (see also ). You have your talents and gifts, but you still need to find your own unique way of living a fulfilling life of purpose. When you grasp a bigger picture of the energy-informational reality, you begin to understand how clairvoyance, telepathy, remote viewing, energy healing, channeling and many other related ways of interacting with the field of consciousness really work. Knowing your inner truth and innate abilities gives you confidence to fully awaken your consciousness, so you can accomplish extraordinary things in life.When you see beyond the material existence and develop your extrasensory gifts, you can start to create the bright future you truly desire. You start not only for the actions that help create that future, but also for what you think and what choices you make on the way. It makes you grow from simply being smart to being wise.

    Extrasensory Perception Book Pdf

    When a smart person gets in trouble, he or she always knows how to get out of it. The wise person can foresee a trouble before it manifests and is able to make choices that prevent it from happening.“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.”– George Bernard ShawInterestingly enough, many different cultures throughout the history associated a pine cone with a symbol of wisdom and insight. Many researchers believe that it is due to its representative connection with the, which is the key to many secrets beyond the matter-based paradigm. According to numerous mystical teachings in order to fully awake your consciousness, reach inner wisdom and discover extrasensory gifts your pineal gland needs to be activated.Yet, in order to tap into the power of the “gland of wisdom” you would first need to decalcify it. Modern life style, stress, the toxins we consume with food and the fluoride we drink with water: all of these things.

    Stopping the calcification process will need lifestyle change.Once that is accomplished, the next step would be choosing one or several methods that can help awaken your pineal gland. Methods include, visualization and various energy exercises, gazing practices, brainwave frequencies, and many others. The process of pineal gland activation happens for everyone differently and might take some time. There is no single way or panacea that will work for everyone; you must discover your own path and choose methods that resonate with you the most. An activated pineal gland helps you bring to light your inner truth, so you can realize your full potential.

    Psychic Perception The Magic Of Extrasensory Power Pdf Download

    Through the process you can also become an example to others and create a ripple effect that will ignite awakening consciousness in people around you. As a result, we all could have a society where everyone is more connected with the Universal energy flow as well as with each other.In conclusion to this article and to aid you on your path of discovering and developing your extrasensory perception abilities, I would like to share the following:Also by Dmitriy:.About the author:Originally from Ukraine, Dmitriy, is the person behind Life Script Doctor. Without any connection to the medical field or doctorate degree, the main goal of the project is to help improve the lifescript you are writing every day.Through live workshops, online courses and personal consultations Life Script Doctor offers insight and guidance during the informational flood of the XXI century.


    The work is based on the new spiritual science Infosomatics, Numerology, energy-informational Slavic system called SPAS, Runes as well as many other consciousness awakening fields.Investing in knowledge about the energy-informational field, practicing various meditation/visualization/manifestation techniques, self-healing and energy diagnosis methods help discover and develop your inner gifts, so you can realize your full potential. At the end of the day, it does not really matter what you can give or take, what really matters is the level of awareness, happiness and abundance you can reach in order to share it with others.

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